Top Crime Alerts for August 19, 2023

Police Investigating Triple Shooting in Charlotte, NC

Charlotte, NC – Law enforcement officials are currently investigating a triple shooting that occurred in the city. The incident took place in a residential neighborhood and resulted in three individuals being injured.

According to the preliminary investigation, the shooting occurred during a dispute between multiple individuals. Gunshots were exchanged, leading to the injuries of the three victims. Authorities received multiple calls reporting the incident, prompting a swift response from local police and emergency medical services.

The victims, whose identities have not been released to the public, were transported to a nearby hospital for treatment. Their current conditions remain unknown. Detectives and forensic teams have been deployed to the scene to gather evidence and interview witnesses in an effort to determine the sequence of events and identify any potential suspects.

Officials have urged anyone with information related to the incident to come forward and provide assistance to the investigation. Additionally, they have assured the community that they are working diligently to apprehend those responsible for the shooting and ensure the safety of residents.

As the investigation is still ongoing, further details regarding the motives behind the incident and the potential connection between the victims and the suspects are yet to be disclosed.

CDC: Facts About Falls


Each year, millions of older people—those 65 and older—fall. In fact, more than one out of four older people falls each year, but less than half tell their doctor. Falling once doubles your chances of falling again. Falls Are Serious and Costly What Can Happen After a Fall? Many falls do not cause injuries. But one out […]