Top Crime Alerts for January 20, 2024

Title: Philadelphia Man Arrested for Robbing Convenience Store

Philadelphia, PA – In recent news, local authorities have apprehended a suspect in connection with the armed robbery of a convenience store in the city. The incident occurred in a residential neighborhood, and police were quick to respond to the scene after receiving a distress call.

According to eyewitnesses, a man entered the store wearing a dark hoodie and brandishing a firearm. He allegedly threatened the store clerk, demanding cash and cigarettes. Fearing for their safety, the clerk promptly complied with the robber’s demands.

Fortunately, no customers were present in the store at the time of the incident. The suspect swiftly fled the scene on foot, managing to escape with an undisclosed amount of cash and several packs of cigarettes.

Local law enforcement officials launched an immediate investigation, combing through surveillance footage and interviewing witnesses. Utilizing evidence gathered, including fingerprints and other physical evidence left at the scene, investigators were able to identify a suspect.

Following an intensive search, a breakthrough came when police executed a search warrant at a residence located near the crime scene. Inside, they discovered evidence linking the suspect to the robbery, including the stolen money and a weapon matching the description provided by the witnesses.

The 27-year-old suspect was taken into custody without incident, and charges are pending. Authorities expressed relief over the successful arrest and retrieval of stolen items, attributing it to the collaborative efforts of the community and law enforcement.

The local police department commended the diligent work of the investigators and expressed gratitude for the community’s cooperation, emphasizing that their continuous support plays a pivotal role in ensuring the safety and security of Philadelphia residents.

This case serves as a reminder of the ongoing importance of community outreach and engagement, as well as the dedication of law enforcement in swiftly responding to and apprehending individuals responsible for criminal activities in the city.

CDC: Reducing exposures during 3D printing


3D printers that make objects from plastics can release very small, potentially harmful particles and gases. Some ways to reduce exposures to these chemicals include using a 3D printer in a room with lots of fresh, uncontaminated air provided by the ventilation system or open windows and doors, using lower emitting plastics, following the printer […]