CDC: What is Autism Spectrum Disorder?


People with ASD may behave, communicate, interact, and learn in ways that are different from most other people. There is often nothing about how they look that sets them apart from other people. The abilities of people with ASD can vary significantly. For example, some people with ASD may have advanced conversation skills whereas others […]

FDA: Milk and Plant-Based Milk Alternatives


Milk and plant-based milk alternatives can differ nutritionally. The Nutrition Facts label can help you make the best choices for you and your family. While many plant-based milk alternatives have the word “milk” in their name, the nutritional content can vary between the products, and many of them don’t have the same amount of calcium […]

CDC: Allergies and Travel

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Allergic reactions can interrupt vacations and activities. Some allergic reactions may require emergency medical care during your trip. If you or a family member have allergies, there are steps you can take to prepare for a safer, healthier trip. Before You Go Make an appointment with your healthcare provider or a travel health specialist at least one month […]

FDA: What You Need to Know About Mammograms


Learn about mammography and the FDA’s certification of mammography facilities. Mammograms continue to be the best primary tool for breast cancer screening. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration, along with some FDA-approved state certifying agencies, certify facilities to perform mammography. The FDA also clears, approves, and authorizes new mammography devices for sale in the U.S. […]

CDC: Clean Up Safely After a Disaster

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Take steps to protect yourself and your loved ones during your cleanup after a natural disaster. Get the right safety gear. Use teams to move heavy or bulky objects. Pace yourself. Cleaning up your home can be a big job. Be sure to take care of yourself: Be careful when using a chain saw. Be […]

FDA: Cleaning Your Contact Lenses


Cleaning contacts with hydrogen peroxide solutions takes special care. Follow all directions to avoid stinging, burning and possible damage to your eyes. If you wear contact lenses, the way you clean and disinfect them can affect your vision and health. Following instructions from your eye care professional and from the contact lens solution manufacturer are […]

CDC: Stay Safe During a Wildfire


It’s important for everyone to reduce their exposure to smoke. Wildfire smoke irritates your eyes, nose, throat, and lungs. It can make it hard to breathe and make you cough or wheeze. Children and people with asthma, COPD, heart disease, diabetes, chronic kidney disease, or who are pregnant need to be especially careful about breathing wildfire smoke. Check the air quality in your community. Keep smoke […]

FDA: Osteoarthritis in Cats


Thanks to cutting-edge veterinary medicine, our pets are living longer. With longer lives, however, come chronic diseases, such as osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis is a commonly diagnosed disease in dogs. Until recently, it was less commonly diagnosed in cats. Fortunately, more veterinarians now actively look for the disease in cats, especially older cats. By recognizing osteoarthritis in […]

CDC: Hand Hygiene in Schools

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Promote hand hygiene in your school or ECE program Know when and how to use hand sanitizer CDC recommends washing hands with soap and water because handwashing effectively removes germs, dirt, and chemicals from hands. If soap and water are not readily available, using a hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol can help staff and children avoid […]

FDA: Prostate Cancer Symptoms, Tests and Treatments


Prostate cancer is the most common cancer among men in the U.S. and the second most common cause of cancer-related deaths. And African-American men are more likely to get prostate cancer and twice as likely to die from the disease than men of other races. The prostate is part of the male reproductive system that […]